I am a CUDA newbie. In our lab setup at work, we have a fairly recent Dell that has a Quadro 290. I plan to try some CUDA applications out on that. I had hoped to be able to use XP’s Remote Desktop to log on to the machine while remaining at my desk (on a laptop with a non-CUDA rated video card). However, it looks like no dice. Running for example deviceQuery tells me “There is no device supporting CUDA.” under a Remote Desktop window, while it tells me there is a device when I run it logged in at the comptuer’s monitor.
Questions: a) Am I correct that this shouldn’t work, or is something else going on? B) is there something in the documentation that I could look at that would explain to me better why this doesn’t work? I had assumed that CUDA would not be effected by the Remote Desktop- I’d like to get a better understanding of how it’s getting in the way.
-Les Elkins
EDIT: Sorry, just noticed the July 26 topic on the same subject in this forum. Nevermind, move along, nothing to see here…