I’m trying to use cuRobo with Isaac Sim. I followed their instructions for installation and the examples run well. I tried configuring my own robot (a robot with two arms from the waist above). The URDF is fine as it works with other solvers. I followed the steps under configuring your own robot, initially only trying to achieve one arm control (later I want to try dual arm control).
As my robot has a lot of collision spheres, I was getting collision errors upon starting, so for now I have made every link ignore collision with another.
However, I just get: “Plan did not converge to a solution: MotionGenStatus.IK_FAIL”.
I’ve attached the .yml config file as a .txt file. I can add some snippets from my urdf if needed, but I can’t upload the entire file due confidentiality reasons.
I’m very stumped as to why I’m stuck. Any help to debug this issue would be very appreciated.
trial.txt (82.8 KB)