I noticed on my Orin NX unit the HW crypto (tegra-se) driver wasn’t being activated, and it turns out it’s because the necessary device tree nodes are missing for that SKU but present for all others. Copying those nodes causes the HW crypto to be loaded and used.
Was this an oversight or is there a reason why these nodes are missing?
I was trying to enable the HW crypto engine. The device tree nodes to report the existence of the hardware to Linux are missing from tegra234-p3768-0000+p3767-xxxx-nv-common.dtsi but are present in the other similar files for other SKUs:
crypto@15810000 {
status = "okay";
crypto@15820000 {
status = "okay";
crypto@15840000 {
status = "okay";
Adding this causes the HW crypto to be available. Why were these lines missing?
may I know which Orin NX SKU you’re working with?
you may check the flashing logs,
for instance, Board ID(3767) version(300) sku(0005) revision(K.2) Chip SKU(00:00:00:D5) ramcode(00:00:00:02) fuselevel(fuselevel_production) board_FAB(300)
or… you may using $ i2cdump -f -y 0 0x50 to check the module EEPROM,