Displayport on custom board only works during boot

Hi Support Team.

We’ve build up an custom board, based up on DG-10931-001_v1.2.pdf and P3768_A04_Concept_schematics.pdf. Everything works fine except the DisplayPort.

I’ve added a short video which explains the issue. During boot the Monitor detects the input signal and shows a blinking cursor. The monitor also shows the detected resolution and refresh rate (1920x1080, 60Hz). After the boot up is finished we got an out of sync message. The monitor is directly connected by a displayport to mini displayport connector cable.

Also xrandr delivers just:

vc@nvidia:~$ xrandr
Can't open display

I don’t think it is a hardware fault.

The image was created with Jetpack 5.1.2.

I’ve attached:

  • dmesg.log
  • lsmod.log
  • Xorg.0.log
  • xorg.conf
  • tegra-drm-outputclass.conf

I am looking forward to your help

Xorg.0.log (12.0 KB)
lsmod.log (2.2 KB)
dmesg.log (85.2 KB)
xorg.conf.log (1.3 KB)
tegra-drm-outputclass.conf.log (283 Bytes)

Sorry for the late response.
Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared?


There is no progress so far. We still need Support.

Kind regards,


Your lsmod is lacking of all the display related drivers. Did you remember to build display drivers (nvidia.ko/nvidia-modeset.ko/nvidia-drm.ko) after you rebuild the kernel image?

Thank you for your support. It is as I suspected. I hand over the discussion to our software developers. They will respond soon.