Hi everybody,
Our customer use C-PHY camera they want our product support the camera. Does TX2 BSP support MIPI CSI C-PHY? Thanks!
I have not seen anything in the specification that says it supports the tri-lane tri-signal format of C-PHY.
I’d love to be proven wrong, but my conclusion so far is “no.”
hi kenny_cz,
TX2 CSI-2 host solution (referred to as NVCSI) can support both MIPI D-PHY, v1.2, and MIPI C-PHY, physical layer options.
you could refer to Tegra X2 (Parker Series SoC) Technical Reference Manual, check MIPI CAMERA SERIAL INTERFACE (CSI) chapter for more details.
The TX2 datasheet says the hardware does supprt CSI C-PHY, how about the software?
hello tk60,
please refer to kernel sources, it supported DPHY by default.
you may have modification to configure the PHY mode to CPHY.
Hi Jerry,
I don’t understand, I assume BSP software development is Nvidia’s responsibility and does better job, while Nvidia’s users should focus on their applications, am I right?
hello tk60,
actually, we had hard-code the PHY mode, you should update low-level CSI drivers also.
for example,
static void csi4_phy_config(
struct tegra_csi_channel *chan, int csi_port,
int csi_lanes, bool enable)
/* set to DPHY */
csi4_phy_write(chan, phy_num, NVCSI_CIL_PHY_CTRL, DPHY);
to be honest, we did not have fully tests for CPHY sensors based-on l4t-r28.2.1/Jetson-TX2.
we testing with CPHY sensors start from l4t-r31.1/Jetson-Xavier.
Hi Jerry,
We don’t use Xavier for product development and I don’t have any knowledge about it yet. Can I move Xavier C-Phy socurce code to TX2 source tree to enable it?
hello tk60,
please check comment #7, you should update TX2’s CSI driver to enable C-PHY.
please also note that Xavier(csi5) and TX2(csi4) were using different CSI drivers. thanks