Does Xavier NX have 20w modes?

Hi, there,
Some web/docs say Xavier NX has 10w & 15w modes, but some others (including L4T) say it has 10w, 15w 20w modes. I searched but did not find ‘official’ notes on it.
Question: does Xavier NX have 20w modes?

ps: On page “Welcome — Jetson Linux<br/>Developer Guide 34.1 documentation
There are three mode-IDs under 20w for “Jetson Xavier NX”
Mode ID 6 7 8
Online CPU 2 4 6


hello shidf10,

there’re mode-id=6,7,8 to use 20W power modes.
please refer to Supported Modes and Power Efficiency and check the NVPModel clock configuration for Jetson Xavier NX.
note, it’s r32.6.1 release documentation,
please also flash the target with JetPack-4.6.1 release for confirmation.

Thanks. Unfortunately we have to stick to 32.4.4.
Would you confirm that 32.4.4 supports 10w & 15w only ?


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