We are working with DriveWorks(0.2.0) algorithms on our DrivePX2 Autocruise(V4L
Here are few questions regarding our experimentation:
We are able to use some algorithms/features in our application but we are facing some issues with DriveLane & DriveNet.
Trying to initialize DriveLane or DriveNet (dwLaneDetector_initializeLaneNet or dwDriveNet_initialize) leads to DW_NOT_AVAILABLE error. What does that mean? How could we troubleshot that error?
We would like to use occupancy grid data for custom processing and display. Unfortunately, we did not found functions in the API to access occupancy grid raw data. We only found rendering features. Did we missed something?
On presentation slides and your web site, we found some information about MAP localization, scene understanding, path planning problem solver and cluster display/ADAS rendering. Is it possible to get access to those functions?
We have two SF3322 cameras (16L030358 & 16L030337) connected to blue and white cables on port A. Unfortunately, we are not able to get data from them using sample programs such as sample_camera_multiple_gmsl.
The errors are:
nvmedia: ERROR: SetupVideoLink: Can't detect config link(0)
nvmedia: ERROR: Init: Failed to setup video link
Driveworks exception thrown: DW_SAL_CREATE_SENSOR: CameraGMSL: cannot connect to camera
Regarding our DriveLane & DriveNet issue, it appeared to be link to the SDK data path (not set).
As for the cameras, unfortunately, the documentation you pointed out was not so helpful.
Help about the available parameters is very light but the main issue was about the position of the connectors (A0, A1, A2 & A3): actually mixing both give us quite a lot of combinations to try out.
On the quick start guide shipped with our DrivePX2-Autocruise the connector layout (board side) is ok while the indication about the wires color (adapter to plug 4 cameras on one port) is wrong which lead us to connect cameras on A2 & A3 rather than A0 & A1.
Regarding DrivePX2 PDK(DriveWorks) update, could you please ask your local NVIDIA account team to post it?
Sorry, we will update new DrivePX2 PDK in May.
#2, would you please file a bug for this symptom on NVONLINE(partners.nvidia.com)? Thanks.
Have you tried to specify the camera type such as ‘–camera-type=ar0231-rccb’ or ‘–camera-type=ar0231’. In the doc, they provided ‘./sample_camera_gmsl --camera-type=c-ov10640-b1’, but that is not the camera type for SF3322.