I’m using the IsaacUtils->CommonOmnigraphs->ROS2 camera graph and selected all publishers. This gives me these topics:
What I did not see was the instance-segmentation values. However, this is the content of /cam_1/semantic_labels:
data: ‘{“0”:“BACKGROUND”,“1”:“UNLABELLED”,“1000”:“/Warehouse/SM_SignCVer_3949/SM_SignCVer_13”,“1001”:"/Warehouse/SM_SignCVer_3950/SM_Si…’
data: ‘{“0”:{“class”:“floor”},“1”:{“class”:“wall”},“10”:{“class”:“paper_note”},“11”:{“class”:“fire_extinguisher”},“12”:{“class”:“box”},…’
It looks like both segmentations publish their ids on the same topic. When looking at the default values, both Nodes use the same value (‘semantic_labels’) for their ‘semanticValuesTopicName’-parameter.
So the first option to solve this would be to change the default value for the instance-segmentation node, but changing the topic layout would also be an option. The labels-topic could be a child of the image topic, so
/cam_1/semantic_segmentation → std_msgs/Image
/cam_1/semantic_segmentation/labels → std_msgs/String
/cam_1/instance_segmentation → std_msgs/Image
/cam_1/instance_segmentation/labels → std_msgs/String
That would tie the label-topic in an obvious way to the corresponding image topic and they always need to be used together (so it could even be an own message-type).