Hello, the community I am using this camera 3D Stereo Camera for Jetson Nano/AGX Xavier/TX2
with Jetson Xavier, I have installed jetpack 4.2 and l4t version 32.2.1 on my device when I run guvcviewer, I followed all steps provided in the document I got in SD card, I am getting error dev/video0 not found
Moving this post to the Jetson Xavier forum.
Hi @dev014.weboccult,
Please provide us with the below clarifications to better understand your issue:
- Is the device you are connecting STEEReoCAM with is Jetson AGX Development kit (or) a custom carrier board?
- The Jetpack version you have flashed must be Jetpack 4.2.2 / 4,2.3 (Since you mentioned L4T as 32.2.1). Please confirm this. JetPack Archive | NVIDIA Developer
- Can you please share the kernel dmesg log and and syslog after booting the Xavier development kit?
- As given in our Getting Started document, have you connected the STEEReoCAM camera’s IPEX cable to CAM_A (or) CAM_B port of the Adaptor board? CAM_C port will not work for Jetson AGX Xavier Development kit
sorry for being late,
I am using jetson AGX Development kit, here is my jetson information. NVIDIA Jetson Xavier
L4T 32.2.1 [ JetPack 4.2.2 ]
Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Kernel Version: 4.9.140-tegra
below is kernal log
kernal_log.txt (1.1 MB)
Thanks for your log message. CUDA is not necessary for streaming STEEReoCAM with v4l2 based application (such as guvcview), but it will be necessary if you want to work with our TaraXL SDK.
From your log messages, it seems that e-con proviided binaries are not installed. Please follow the steps provided in the “Getting Started” document, which will ask you to copy Release package onto the Xavier Board, extract and run “install_binaries.sh” script to install e-con provided binaries for STEEReoCAM.
After that you will be able to stream our cameras.