Editing usd file

I’m trying to edit a usd file to remove certain attributes and would like to save the result with the same structure as the original. However, the usd composer tool seems to add an extra layer of hierarchy each time I save a usd file. I’ve tried to remove it by using “Save as flattnened” and then dragging the actual object up to the top, but I get the error: “Cannot move/rename ancestral prim”.

As a workaround, I saved the edited version as a usda and manually removed the layer.

Please let me know how to address this issue or if I’m using the tool incorrectly.

You are doing everything correctly. You cannot get any “flatter” than that. You have to understand USD file structure. You have to have a WORLD level prim at the top. Check. You then drag in an asset that sits below. Check. In the first part of the video that is all you have. World and then the compressor.

Then in the second part of the video you save the file as “sample.usd”. Then you open it. Again you have exactly what you are supposed to have. You cannot get flatter. Then you have WORLD > File > Asset in File.
USD has very strict rules we must follow.

What are you hoping to achieve here ? It is very well structured.

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