Error -94 in reading profiler output.

I have a problem with CUDA profiler.

Here is the output

=== Start profiling for session ‘Session1’ ===
Start program ‘C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA CUDA SDK/projects/WY_ESAW_texturemem_nosmem/Release/ESAW.exe’ run #1
Program run #1 completed.
Start program ‘C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA CUDA SDK/projects/WY_ESAW_texturemem_nosmem/Release/ESAW.exe’ run #2
Program run #2 completed.
Start program ‘C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA CUDA SDK/projects/WY_ESAW_texturemem_nosmem/Release/ESAW.exe’ run #3
Program run #3 completed.
Error -94 in reading profiler output.
Minimum expected columns (method,gputime,cputime,occupancy) not found in profiler output file.

The program runs well in command line, and does not need to press key to end the program.

I did not have this problem before, but when updagraing CUDA SDK from 1.0 to 2.1, I cannot profile successfully.
Thanks for any suggestions.

I also tried newer version of cuda profiler tool v1.0, still the same error…

fixed now…
Should use profiler 1.1, did not notice that at the download page

sorry for that.