Error:[/ActionGraph]Prim is not an articulation ros2_publish_joint_state ROS2PublishJointState(omni.isaac.ros2_bridge)

when I run the demo ROS2 Joint Control: Extension Python Scripting — Omniverse IsaacSim latest documentation
the ROS2PublishJointState node error

I think the document is not updated.
According to this document, the articulation root/targetPrim may not be /panda.

So ROS2 Publish Joint State node to publish ROS2 Joint States to the /joint_states topic
the targetPrim is not /panda?I change to /panda/root_joint or /panda/panda_link0 still report the error. can you give any suggest?

Is there a prim called base_link or link_0 under panda?
I don’t have an execution environment at hand right now, so I can’t give you a description here.
Could you put a screen shot to show all Prim?

Does /panda/panda_link0 have a articulation root property?

I tried still the eroor

This topic shows that articulation root is /franka_alt_fingers.

But the Prim is not exist, is it?
I will try the demo later.

I can not found /franka_alt_fingers,
You can try this demo and give me a reply later.

I can use it by /panda.
Can I check which USD file is used.
I use omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/4.1/Isaac/Robots/Franka/franka_alt_fingers.usd.
How about you?

I change to omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/4.1/Isaac/Robots/Franka/franka_alt_fingers.usd and targetPrim rename to /franka_alt_fingers It can normal run.

Please find “articulation root” from each Prim.
Any Prim should have an “articulation root” in Property. (3.0 MB)
My franka usd file the /panda/root_joint is articulation root. and targetPrim rename to /panda/root_joint What went wrong?

Indeed, the USD file I received did not work, and I was able to get it to work by moving the “articulation root” to panda_link0. (3.0 MB)

I try the Frank_Robot_Graph-2 it work. Thanks.