I am trying to setup Jetson TX2 board for my application. I have faced few issues while installing Jetpack 3.3. I need some clarification regarding the following issues,
The details of my host,
- The host is a Laptop with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- I have already installed OpenCV 3.4.2 for some of my previous algorithms
Now I tried to install Jetpack 3.3, which has OpenCV 3.3.1 with it. When I proceed for installation, it throwed an error “Installing Opencv 3.3.1 failed. Return Code : 1. Error :libopencv-python libopencv-examples cannot be installed on host.Please manually run followig command in terminal to install packages before continuing : sudo apt install /home/niranjana/NIRANJANA/JetPack3.3/jetpack_download/libopencv_3.3.1_amd64.deb /home/niranjana/NIRANJANA/JetPack3.3/jetpack_download/libopencv-dev_3.3.1_amd64.deb /home/niranjana/NIRANJANA/JetPack3.3/jetpack_download/libopencv-python_3.3.1_amd64.deb /home/niranjana/NIRANJANA/JetPack3.3/jetpack_download/libopencv-samples_3.3.1_amd64.deb”…
Query 1 : Do I need to uninstall the previously installed OpenCV3.4.2 for installing Jetpack ?
Query 2 : Can I connect the host to Wifi and Target Tx2 to Ethernet ? Or should both the Host and Target should be connected to Ethernet ?
Requesting your help to sort this issue .
Thanks in advance.