sudo python3 demo . py
WARNING : Carrier board is not from a Jetson Developer Kit .
WARNNIG : Jetson . GPIO library has not been verified with this carrier
WARNING : and in fact is unlikely to work correctly .
Traceback ( most recent call last ):
File " demo . py ", line 24, in < module >
main ()
File " demo . py ", line 10, in main
GPIO . setup ( led _ pin , GPIO . OUT )
File "/ usr / local / lib /python3.6/dist- packages / Jetson / GPIO / gpio . py ", line 360, i
n setup
_ do _ one _ channel ( ch _ info , direction , init , consumer )
n _ do one ch ocal / lib /python3.6/dist- packages / Jetson / GPIO / gpio . py ", line 155, i
ch _ info . chip _ fd = gpio _ cdev . chip _ open _ by label ( ch _ info . gpio hip )
File "/ usr / local / lib /python3.6/dist- packages / Jetson / GPIo / gpio _ cdev . py “, line 189, in chip _ open by label
raise Exception (”{}: No such gpio device registered ". fornat ( label ))
Exception :tegra194- gpio : No such gpio device regtstered
Who can help me solve this problem!!!