External Extensions: Embedded VS Code for NVIDIA Omniverse

Dear community,

In the same line as External Extensions: Embedded Jupyter Notebook for NVIDIA Omniverse is the current one, this time for VS Code…

This extension can be described as the VS Code version of Omniverse’s Script Editor. It allows to execute python code, embedded in the current NVIDIA Omniverse application scope, from the VS Code editor and display the results in the OUTPUT panel (under Embedded VS Code for NVIDIA Omniverse) of the VS Code editor

Target applications: Any NVIDIA Omniverse app
Supported OS: Windows and Linux

Check the README for setup, usage, implementation details, and limitations


Dear community

A new version of the extension (the VS Code extension - version 0.1.0) has been released…
With this version, a custom view container for Omniverse has been included as shown in the image

Snippets and specific resources for Isaac Sim and robotics will be added soon!!!

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Dear community

A new version of the extension (the VS Code extension - version 0.2.0) has been released…

With this version, more snippets and resources have been added… with emphasis on those related to Python Scripting Component (Snippets > Kit > Python scripting component) and Isaac Sim Core API.

In addition, a button has been added to expand the list of snippets and facilitate the search among all the available ones: