Failed to flash Jetson Orin Nano

Help, I am trying to flash the Jetson Orin Nano with JP 5.2.1 using the SDK. I had tried previously with the command but kept receiving the error “No devices to flash”. I have attached the log from the SDKManager flash attempt.

I have tried multiple machines running Ubuntu 20.04 natively, multiple usb cables, multiple sd cards and yes the board is in recovery mode.

I have had success with multiple other Orin Nano boards but this is the only one that has failed to flash. (1.1 MB)


Error: Invalid argument during seek for read on /dev/mmcblk1
[ 9]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Error: partprobe failed. This indicates that:
 -   the xml indicates the gpt is larger than the device storage
 -   the xml might be invalid
 -   the device might have a problem.
 Please make correction.

Are you using a 64GB SD card?

I am using a 32GB card. I will try with a 64GB and get back to you.

Tried with a 64GB SD card and received the same error

17:12:41.452 - error: NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_ORIN_NANO_TARGETS: [ 9]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Error: partprobe failed. This indicates that:
17:12:41.452 - info: Event: NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_ORIN_NANO_TARGETS - error is: [ 9]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Error: partprobe failed. This indicates that:
17:12:41.453 - info: NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_ORIN_NANO_TARGETS:  -   the xml indicates the gpt is larger than the device storage
17:12:41.453 - info: NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_ORIN_NANO_TARGETS:  -   the xml might be invalid
17:12:41.453 - info: NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_ORIN_NANO_TARGETS:  -   the device might have a problem.
17:12:41.453 - info: NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_ORIN_NANO_TARGETS:  Please make correction.
17:12:41.460 - info: NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_ORIN_NANO_TARGETS: Cleaning up...

Full log attached (1.2 MB)

Check this post:

Thank you, I checked the size of my SD card using fdisk and got the number of sectors, 121503744. I used this value and ran the command:

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device mmcblk1p1 -p "-T 121503744 -c ./bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml" -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml --showlogs --network usb0 jetson-orin-nano-devkit internal

Attached is the log with the same error.
flash_3-4_0_20240514-104327.log (7.5 KB)

I think I have a 128GB card around here. I’ll format it and try that.

I found a 128GB SD card and found its sector size to be 249737216 blocks using:

sudo fdisk -l

I then formatted the 128GB SD card while I was at it before flashing using the command:

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device mmcblk1p1 \ -p "-T 249737216 -c ./bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml" -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml \ --showlogs --network usb0 jetson-orin-nano-devkit internal

Attached is the successful log:
flash_3-4_0_20240514-110441.log (40.7 KB)

Note: This did not work with any 64GB SD cards I had tried. Recommendation is to get at least a 128 SD card. Its 2024 why don’t we all have 1TB SD cards lying around anyway?

Thank you @DaveYYY for providing the solution.

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