Fails to show the denseopticalflow sample with Entron camera (ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A)

Please provide the following info (check/uncheck the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6 and DriveWorks 4.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 10.0 (Linux)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 9.0 (Linux)
other DRIVE OS version

Target Operating System

Hardware Platform
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Xavier DevKit (E3550)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Pegasus DevKit (E3550)

SDK Manager Version

Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu 18.04


I tried to run the sample_denseopticalflow sample based on the entron camera (ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A), but I am getting the below error, this is while when I tried it with Sekonix camera, it is working perfectly. Can you please help me with that? Thank you in advance.

sudo ./sample_denseopticalflow --input-type=camera --camera-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A

a-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A --estimationMode=UHP
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1644451300181959
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Platform: found 2 PVA engines
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Context::getDataPathFromSelfLocation DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-3.5/data
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1644451300181959
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v3.5.75
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from heads/buildbrain-branch-0-gc61a9a35bd0 against Drive PDK v5.2.0.0
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v3.5.75
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v3.5.75
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A,camera-group=a,slave=0
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] CameraGMSLSelector: missing siblingIndex to be able to map to new camera.gmsl parameter called link, assuming link 0
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] CameraGMSLSelector: note the name doesn’t correspond to the old supported cameras, DW will pass the name as is to the SIPL library. Please consider replacing camera-type with camera-name
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] CameraGMSLSelector: creating CameraClient from remapped old gmsl parameters to output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A,camera-group=a,slave=0,camera-name=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A,interface=csi-ab,link=0
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A Link = 0
[14-02-2022 15:41:11] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INTERNAL_ERROR: CameraClient:allocateSIPLResources, no cameras created

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2022-02-14 15:41:11] DW Error DW_INTERNAL_ERROR executing DW function:
dwSAL_createSensor(&m_camera, sensorParams, m_sal)
at /dvs/git/dirty/gitlab-master_av/dw/sdk/samples/imageprocessing/motion/denseopticalflow/main.cpp:166 → Cannot create virtual camera sensor, maybe wrong video file?
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/bin$ sudo ./sample_denseopticalflow --input-type=camera --camera-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A --estimationMode=HQ
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1644451300181959
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Platform: found 2 PVA engines
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Context::getDataPathFromSelfLocation DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-3.5/data
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1644451300181959
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v3.5.75
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from heads/buildbrain-branch-0-gc61a9a35bd0 against Drive PDK v5.2.0.0
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v3.5.75
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v3.5.75
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A,camera-group=a,slave=0
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] CameraGMSLSelector: missing siblingIndex to be able to map to new camera.gmsl parameter called link, assuming link 0
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] CameraGMSLSelector: note the name doesn’t correspond to the old supported cameras, DW will pass the name as is to the SIPL library. Please consider replacing camera-type with camera-name
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] CameraGMSLSelector: creating CameraClient from remapped old gmsl parameters to output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A,camera-group=a,slave=0,camera-name=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A,interface=csi-ab,link=0
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A Link = 0
[14-02-2022 15:41:18] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INTERNAL_ERROR: CameraClient:allocateSIPLResources, no cameras created

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2022-02-14 15:41:18] DW Error DW_INTERNAL_ERROR executing DW function:
dwSAL_createSensor(&m_camera, sensorParams, m_sal)
at /dvs/git/dirty/gitlab-master_av/dw/sdk/samples/imageprocessing/motion/denseopticalflow/main.cpp:166 → Cannot create virtual camera sensor, maybe wrong video file?
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/bin$ sudo ./sample_denseopticalflow --input-type=camera --camera-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1644451300181959
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Platform: found 2 PVA engines
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Context::getDataPathFromSelfLocation DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-3.5/data
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1644451300181959
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v3.5.75
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from heads/buildbrain-branch-0-gc61a9a35bd0 against Drive PDK v5.2.0.0
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v3.5.75
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v3.5.75
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A,camera-group=a,slave=0
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] CameraGMSLSelector: missing siblingIndex to be able to map to new camera.gmsl parameter called link, assuming link 0
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] CameraGMSLSelector: note the name doesn’t correspond to the old supported cameras, DW will pass the name as is to the SIPL library. Please consider replacing camera-type with camera-name
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] CameraGMSLSelector: creating CameraClient from remapped old gmsl parameters to output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A,camera-group=a,slave=0,camera-name=ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A,interface=csi-ab,link=0
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = ar0820-rccb-bae-F008A120BM0A Link = 0
[14-02-2022 15:43:51] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INTERNAL_ERROR: CameraClient:allocateSIPLResources, no cameras created

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2022-02-14 15:43:51] DW Error DW_INTERNAL_ERROR executing DW function:
dwSAL_createSensor(&m_camera, sensorParams, m_sal)
at /dvs/git/dirty/gitlab-master_av/dw/sdk/samples/imageprocessing/motion/denseopticalflow/main.cpp:166 → Cannot create virtual camera sensor, maybe wrong video file?

Dear @user158496,
I don’t see the camera module in the support list for DRIVE OS 5.2.0 + DW 3.5 in DRIVE Ecosystem - Hardware and Software | NVIDIA Developer . Could you please confirm your camera model and share output of sipl_query sample(


I cannot find the sipl_query sample in my bin folder. Can you please point me to the path of the sipl_query sample?

Btw, I can run the sample_camera with the entron camera f008a120rm0a.

Thanks for your support and help.

Hi Siva,

This is what I get from ./sample_camera

Thank you.

Dear @user158496,
nvsipl_query can be find at /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/tools/sensors .

1 Like

NvSIPL library version: 1.0.0
NvSIPL header version: 1.0.0

Platform Detection:

Platform config: AR0144P_DPHY_x2
Platform config: AR0144P_DPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: AR0144P_DPHY_x4
Platform config: AR0144P_DPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: F008A070RM0A_CPHY_x2
Platform config: F008A070RM0A_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: F008A070RM0A_CPHY_x4
Platform config: F008A070RM0A_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: F008A030RM0A_CPHY_x2
Platform config: F008A030RM0A_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: F008A030RM0A_CPHY_x4
Platform config: F008A030RM0A_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_SIDE_CPHY_x2
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_SIDE_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_SIDE_CPHY_x4
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_SIDE_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_CPHY_x2
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_CPHY_x4
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBMP_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390RGGBMP_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBMP_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390RGGBMP_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE3_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE3_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE3_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE3_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE5_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE5_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE5_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE5_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: MAX96712_RAW12_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_RAW12_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_RAW12_TPG_CPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_RAW12_TPG_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_RGB_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_RGB_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_RGB_TPG_CPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_RGB_TPG_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_YUV_8_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_YUV_8_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_YUV_8_TPG_CPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_YUV_8_TPG_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_TPG_USECASE1_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_TPG_USECASE2_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_2880x1860_YUV_8_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_2880x1860_YUV_8_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_2880x1860_YUV_8_TPG_CPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_2880x1860_YUV_8_TPG_CPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_2MP_DPHY_x2
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_8MP_CPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_2MP_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_T_2MP_DPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_T_8MP_DPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_T_2MP_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_T_YUV8_2MP_DPHY_x4
Platform config: VC0820C120R24_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: VC0820C120R24_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: AR0820C120FOV_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: AR0820C120FOV_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: AR0820C70FOV_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: AR0820C70FOV_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: VC0820C070R24_CPHY_x2
Platform config: VC0820C070R24_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_DPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_DPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_DPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_DPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_CPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: SF3325_DPHY_x2
Platform config: SF3325_DPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: SF3325_CPHY_x2
Platform config: SF3325_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: SF3325_DPHY_x4
Platform config: SF3325_DPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: SF3325_CPHY_x4
Platform config: SF3325_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: SF3324_DPHY_x2
Platform config: SF3324_DPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: SF3324_CPHY_x2
Platform config: SF3324_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: SF3324_DPHY_x4
Platform config: SF3324_DPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: SF3324_CPHY_x4
Platform config: SF3324_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: OV2311_C_3461_CPHY_x2
Platform config: OV2311_C_3461_CPHY_x2_TPG

Name: AR0144P
Name: F008A070BM0A_24BIT_RGGB
Name: F008A070RM0A
Name: F008A120BM0A_24BIT_RGGB
Name: F008A030RM0A
Name: F008A030BM0A_RGGB
Name: F008A120BM0A_RCCB
Name: F008A120BM0A_24BIT_RCCB
Name: F008A120RM0A_SIDE
Name: F008A120BM0A_RGGB
Name: F008A030BM0A_24BIT_RGGB
Name: F008A030BM0A_RCCB
Name: F008A030BM0A_24BIT_RCCB
Name: F008A120RM0A
Name: IMX390_RCCB
Name: IMX390_RGGB
Name: MAX96712TPG
Name: MAX96712TPG_YUV_8
Name: Constellation
Name: Constellation_8M
Name: Constellation_T_8M
Name: Constellation_T_2M
Name: Constellation_T_YUV8_2M
Name: AR0820C120FOV_24BIT_RGGB
Name: AR0820C70FOV_24BIT_RGGB
Name: VC0820C120R24
Name: VC0820C070R24
Name: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB
Name: SF3325
Name: SF3324
Name: OV2311_C_3461

Name: AR0144
Name: AR0820
Name: IMX390
Name: Constellation
Name: Constellation_T
Name: AR0820C
Name: IMX390C
Name: AR0231
Name: OV2311C

Name: N24C64
Name: M24C32
Name: M24C04
Name: M24C02

Serializer name: MAX96759
Serializer name: DS90UB953
Serializer name: MAX9295
Serializer name: MAX96705
Serializer name: MAX96717F

Deserializer name: DS90UB9702
Deserializer name: MAX96712_Fusa
Deserializer name: MAX96712

Hi SivaRam,

I attached the result:

NvSIPL library version: 1.0.0
NvSIPL header version: 1.0.0

Platform Detection:

Platform config: AR0144P_DPHY_x2
Platform config: AR0144P_DPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: AR0144P_DPHY_x4
Platform config: AR0144P_DPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: F008A070RM0A_CPHY_x2
Platform config: F008A070RM0A_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: F008A070RM0A_CPHY_x4
Platform config: F008A070RM0A_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: F008A030RM0A_CPHY_x2
Platform config: F008A030RM0A_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: F008A030RM0A_CPHY_x4
Platform config: F008A030RM0A_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_SIDE_CPHY_x2
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_SIDE_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_SIDE_CPHY_x4
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_SIDE_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_CPHY_x2
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_CPHY_x4
Platform config: F008A120RM0A_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBMP_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390RGGBMP_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBMP_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390RGGBMP_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE3_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE3_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE3_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE3_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE5_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE5_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE5_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390RGGBE5_200FOV_RGGB_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: MAX96712_RAW12_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_RAW12_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_RAW12_TPG_CPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_RAW12_TPG_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_RGB_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_RGB_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_RGB_TPG_CPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_RGB_TPG_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_YUV_8_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_YUV_8_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_YUV_8_TPG_CPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_YUV_8_TPG_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_TPG_USECASE1_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_TPG_USECASE2_CPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_2880x1860_YUV_8_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_2880x1860_YUV_8_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: MAX96712_2880x1860_YUV_8_TPG_CPHY_x2
Platform config: MAX96712_2880x1860_YUV_8_TPG_CPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_2MP_DPHY_x2
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_8MP_CPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_2MP_TPG_DPHY_x2
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_T_2MP_DPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_T_8MP_DPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_T_2MP_TPG_DPHY_x4
Platform config: CONSTELLATION_T_YUV8_2MP_DPHY_x4
Platform config: VC0820C120R24_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: VC0820C120R24_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: AR0820C120FOV_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: AR0820C120FOV_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: AR0820C70FOV_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: AR0820C70FOV_24BIT_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: VC0820C070R24_CPHY_x2
Platform config: VC0820C070R24_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_DPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_DPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_DPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_DPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_CPHY_x4
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_CPHY_x2
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: SF3325_DPHY_x2
Platform config: SF3325_DPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: SF3325_CPHY_x2
Platform config: SF3325_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: SF3325_DPHY_x4
Platform config: SF3325_DPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: SF3325_CPHY_x4
Platform config: SF3325_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: SF3324_DPHY_x2
Platform config: SF3324_DPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: SF3324_CPHY_x2
Platform config: SF3324_CPHY_x2_TPG
Platform config: SF3324_DPHY_x4
Platform config: SF3324_DPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: SF3324_CPHY_x4
Platform config: SF3324_CPHY_x4_TPG
Platform config: OV2311_C_3461_CPHY_x2
Platform config: OV2311_C_3461_CPHY_x2_TPG

Name: AR0144P
Name: F008A070BM0A_24BIT_RGGB
Name: F008A070RM0A
Name: F008A120BM0A_24BIT_RGGB
Name: F008A030RM0A
Name: F008A030BM0A_RGGB
Name: F008A120BM0A_RCCB
Name: F008A120BM0A_24BIT_RCCB
Name: F008A120RM0A_SIDE
Name: F008A120BM0A_RGGB
Name: F008A030BM0A_24BIT_RGGB
Name: F008A030BM0A_RCCB
Name: F008A030BM0A_24BIT_RCCB
Name: F008A120RM0A
Name: IMX390_RCCB
Name: IMX390_RGGB
Name: MAX96712TPG
Name: MAX96712TPG_YUV_8
Name: Constellation
Name: Constellation_8M
Name: Constellation_T_8M
Name: Constellation_T_2M
Name: Constellation_T_YUV8_2M
Name: AR0820C120FOV_24BIT_RGGB
Name: AR0820C70FOV_24BIT_RGGB
Name: VC0820C120R24
Name: VC0820C070R24
Name: IMX390_C_3461_F200_RGGB
Name: SF3325
Name: SF3324
Name: OV2311_C_3461

Name: AR0144
Name: AR0820
Name: IMX390
Name: Constellation
Name: Constellation_T
Name: AR0820C
Name: IMX390C
Name: AR0231
Name: OV2311C

Name: N24C64
Name: M24C32
Name: M24C04
Name: M24C02

Serializer name: MAX96759
Serializer name: DS90UB953
Serializer name: MAX9295
Serializer name: MAX96705
Serializer name: MAX96717F

Deserializer name: DS90UB9702
Deserializer name: MAX96712_Fusa
Deserializer name: MAX96712


Dear @user158496,
Could you check with sample_denseopticalflow --input-type=camera --camera-name=F008A120BM0A_24BIT_RGGB

Hi SivaRam,
I am getting the same error:
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711402
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] Platform: found 2 PVA engines
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[23-02-2022 09:50:33] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711403
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from no-gitversion-build against Drive PDK v5.2.6.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A-24BIT-RGB,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] CameraGMSLSelector: note the name doesn’t correspond to the old supported cameras, DW will pass the name as is to the SIPL library. Please consider replacing camera-type with camera-name
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] CameraGMSLSelector::create, siblingIdx string parse error Invalid argument
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] CameraGMSLSelector: creating CameraClient from remapped old gmsl parameters to output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A-24BIT-RGB,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0,camera-name=F008A120RM0A-24BIT-RGB,interface=csi-ab,link=0
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = F008A120RM0A-24BIT-RGB Link = 0
[23-02-2022 09:50:34] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INTERNAL_ERROR: CameraClient:allocateSIPLResources, no cameras have been created, if the log is not helpful, please export DW_SIPL_VERBOSITY=4 and rerun for more info

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2022-02-23 09:50:34] DW Error DW_INTERNAL_ERROR executing DW function:
dwSAL_createSensor(&m_camera, sensorParams, m_sal)
at samples/imageprocessing/motion/denseopticalflow/main.cpp:165 → Cannot create virtual camera sensor, maybe wrong video file?
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/bin$ sudo ./sample_denseopticalflow --input-type=camera --camera-type=F008A120RM0A-24BIT
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711402
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] Platform: found 2 PVA engines
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[23-02-2022 09:50:40] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711403
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from no-gitversion-build against Drive PDK v5.2.6.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A-24BIT,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] CameraGMSLSelector: note the name doesn’t correspond to the old supported cameras, DW will pass the name as is to the SIPL library. Please consider replacing camera-type with camera-name
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] CameraGMSLSelector::create, siblingIdx string parse error Invalid argument
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] CameraGMSLSelector: creating CameraClient from remapped old gmsl parameters to output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A-24BIT,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0,camera-name=F008A120RM0A-24BIT,interface=csi-ab,link=0
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = F008A120RM0A-24BIT Link = 0
[23-02-2022 09:50:41] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INTERNAL_ERROR: CameraClient:allocateSIPLResources, no cameras have been created, if the log is not helpful, please export DW_SIPL_VERBOSITY=4 and rerun for more info

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2022-02-23 09:50:41] DW Error DW_INTERNAL_ERROR executing DW function:
dwSAL_createSensor(&m_camera, sensorParams, m_sal)
at samples/imageprocessing/motion/denseopticalflow/main.cpp:165 → Cannot create virtual camera sensor, maybe wrong video file?
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/bin$ sudo ./sample_denseopticalflow --input-type=camera --camera-type=F008A120RM0A_24BIT
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711403
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Platform: found 2 PVA engines
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711401
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from no-gitversion-build against Drive PDK v5.2.6.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A_24BIT,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] CameraGMSLSelector: note the name doesn’t correspond to the old supported cameras, DW will pass the name as is to the SIPL library. Please consider replacing camera-type with camera-name
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] CameraGMSLSelector::create, siblingIdx string parse error Invalid argument
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] CameraGMSLSelector: creating CameraClient from remapped old gmsl parameters to output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A_24BIT,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0,camera-name=F008A120RM0A_24BIT,interface=csi-ab,link=0
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[23-02-2022 09:50:47] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[23-02-2022 09:50:48] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[23-02-2022 09:50:48] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = F008A120RM0A_24BIT Link = 0
[23-02-2022 09:50:48] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INTERNAL_ERROR: CameraClient:allocateSIPLResources, no cameras have been created, if the log is not helpful, please export DW_SIPL_VERBOSITY=4 and rerun for more info

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2022-02-23 09:50:48] DW Error DW_INTERNAL_ERROR executing DW function:
dwSAL_createSensor(&m_camera, sensorParams, m_sal)
at samples/imageprocessing/motion/denseopticalflow/main.cpp:165 → Cannot create virtual camera sensor, maybe wrong video file?
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/bin$ sudo ./sample_denseopticalflow --input-type=camera --camera-type=F008A120RM0A_24BIT_RGB
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711403
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Platform: found 2 PVA engines
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711403
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from no-gitversion-build against Drive PDK v5.2.6.0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A_24BIT_RGB,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] CameraGMSLSelector: note the name doesn’t correspond to the old supported cameras, DW will pass the name as is to the SIPL library. Please consider replacing camera-type with camera-name
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] CameraGMSLSelector::create, siblingIdx string parse error Invalid argument
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] CameraGMSLSelector: creating CameraClient from remapped old gmsl parameters to output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A_24BIT_RGB,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0,camera-name=F008A120RM0A_24BIT_RGB,interface=csi-ab,link=0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = F008A120RM0A_24BIT_RGB Link = 0
[23-02-2022 09:52:09] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INTERNAL_ERROR: CameraClient:allocateSIPLResources, no cameras have been created, if the log is not helpful, please export DW_SIPL_VERBOSITY=4 and rerun for more info

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2022-02-23 09:52:09] DW Error DW_INTERNAL_ERROR executing DW function:
dwSAL_createSensor(&m_camera, sensorParams, m_sal)
at samples/imageprocessing/motion/denseopticalflow/main.cpp:165 → Cannot create virtual camera sensor, maybe wrong video file?

Hi SivaRama,

In addition, I tried this: sudo ./sample_denseopticalflow --input-type=camera --camera-type=F008A120RM0A

I am getting the following error:

[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711403
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Platform: found 2 PVA engines
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/…/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/[.pak]’
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1645229987711402
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource Nvpss : PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from no-gitversion-build against Drive PDK v5.2.6.0
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v4.0.0
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] CameraGMSLSelector: note the name doesn’t correspond to the old supported cameras, DW will pass the name as is to the SIPL library. Please consider replacing camera-type with camera-name
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] CameraGMSLSelector::create, siblingIdx string parse error Invalid argument
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] CameraGMSLSelector: creating CameraClient from remapped old gmsl parameters to output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,camera-type=F008A120RM0A,camera-group=a,siblingIndex=0,camera-name=F008A120RM0A,interface=csi-ab,link=0
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[23-02-2022 09:53:38] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[23-02-2022 09:53:39] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[23-02-2022 09:53:39] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = F008A120RM0A Link = 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:39] Camera Match Name: F008A120RM0A Description: Entron F008A120RM0A module - 120-deg FOV, 24-bit capture, MIPI-AR0820, MAX9295 linkIndex: 4294967295 serInfo.Name: MAX9295
[23-02-2022 09:53:39] Client, Setting up information for camera ID 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:39] Client, successfully found info for camera ID 0 bound to id 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] CameraClient: using NITO found at /opt/nvidia/nvmedia/nit/F008A120RM0A.nito
Camera image with 3848x2168 at 30.000000 FPS
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] StreamConsumerGL: successfully initialized
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] StreamProducerCUDA: successfully initialized
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] EGLStream: EGL_SUCCESS
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] StreamProducerCUDA: successfully initialized
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] EGLStream: EGL_SUCCESS
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] StreamProducerCUDA: successfully initialized
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] StreamConsumerGL: successfully initialized
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] StreamProducerCUDA: successfully initialized
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] CameraGSMLMaster: starting…
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] SIPLMaster::SIPLMaster: Setting up master camera
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Platform:
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Platform Config:
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Description:
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Number of device blocks: 1
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Device Block : 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] csiPort: 2
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] i2cDevice: 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Deserializer Name: MAX96712
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Deserializer Description: Maxim 96712 Aggregator
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Deserializer i2cAddress: 41
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Simulator Mode: 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Slave Mode: 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Phy Mode: 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Number of camera modules: 1
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] CameraModule index: 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Name :F008A120RM0A
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Description: Entron F008A120RM0A module - 120-deg FOV, 24-bit capture, MIPI-AR0820, MAX9295
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Serializer name: MAX9295
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Serializer description: Maxim 9295 Serializer
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Serializer i2cAdress: 98
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] EEPROM name: N24C64
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] EEPROM i2cAddress: 84
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] EEPROM description: N24C64 EEPROM
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Sensor ID: 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Sensor name: AR0820
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Sensor description: OnSemi AR0820 Sensor
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Sensor i2cAddress: 16
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Sensor isTPGEnabled: 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Sensor isTriggerMode: 1
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] cfa: 35
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] embeddedTopLines: 6
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] embeddedBottomLines: 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] inputFormat: 8
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] height: 2168
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] width: 3848
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] fps: 30.0000000
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] Embedded Data: 1
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] CameraMaster available outputs: 1
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] CameraClient: setting pipeline config for camera ID 0
[23-02-2022 09:53:40] CameraMaster: master initiation
MAX96712: Revision 2 detected
MAX96712 Rev 2: Link 0: Tx amplitude 0x28, 0x68, 0xb3, 0x72, 0xd2
MAX96712 Rev 2 manual adaptation on the link 0 (31)
MAX9295: Revision 8 detected!
Sensor AR0820 GRBG Rev 2.1 detected!
Module_id 22 Severity 6 : NvMediaICPCreateEx 76
Module_id 22 Severity 6 : T19x VI version 0x000019
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] CameraClient: allocating RAW surfaces, nvmedia surface 206
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] Registering imagegroups for pipeline 0 NO COOKIES
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] CameraClient: allocating ISP surfaces 36
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] CameraClient: format not specified. Using h264 in Codec Header.
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] CameraMaster: bootstrap complete
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] SIPLClient: Acquisition started
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] CameraClient: Notification received from pipeline index:0 of type: NOTIF_WARN_ICP_FRAME_DROP
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] CameraClient: Notification received from pipeline index:0 of type: NOTIF_WARN_ICP_FRAME_DROP
NVMEDIA_ERROR: VPI: COMMON: line: 00050. Image w: 3856 should be <= 3264
NVMEDIA_ERROR: VPI: CONVERTMV: line: 00112. Output image resolution incorrect
NVMEDIA_ERROR: VPI: CONVERTMV: line: 00138. Input parameter validity failed.
[23-02-2022 09:53:41] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INTERNAL_ERROR: DenseOpticalFlow: ConvertMV failed.

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2022-02-23 09:53:41] DW Error DW_INTERNAL_ERROR executing DW function:
dwDenseOpticalFlow_calculateOpticalFlow(m_imageOutput, m_imageYUV420, m_imageRefYUV420, m_denseOpticalFlow)
at samples/imageprocessing/motion/denseopticalflow/main.cpp:365
Can you please help me with this? How Can I resample the image?

Dear @user158496,
As I mentioned earlier, could you use camera-name instead of camera-type and check running? I am assuming sample_camera is working as per your previous post.

I notice similar warning in your recent run CameraGMSLSelector: note the name doesn’t correspond to the old supported cameras, DW will pass the name as is to the SIPL library. Please consider replacing camera-type with camera-name


This is the result:
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/bin$ sudo ./sample_denseopticalflow --input-type=camera --camera-name=F008A120RM0A
[sudo] password for nvidia:
Dense Optical Flow sample.
–camera-group: default=a
input port
–camera-index: default=0
camera index within the camera-group 0-3
–camera-type: default=ar0231-rccb-bae-sf3324
camera gmsl type (see sample_sensors_info for all available camera types on this platform)
–estimationMode: default=HP
estimation mode. Possible options HP (high performance), UHP (ultra high performance), HQ (hight quality)
–input-type: default=video
input type either video or camera
–nvencNo: default=0
NVENC to run corresponding stage on.
–offscreen: default=0
Used for running windowed apps in headless mode. 0 = show window, 1 = offscreen window, 2 = no window created
–profiling: default=1
Enables/disables sample profiling
–pvaNo: default=0
PVA engine to run corresponding stage on.
–video: default=/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/samples/stereo/left_1.h264
path to video
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): Unknown option --camera-name



Hi, @user158496
Please try with a lower resolution mode. Thanks.


What is the comment that I should write to run the demo with low resolution?

Thank you.

It is due to the camera resolution width being too high. The sample will be implemented on Orin so the current resolution issue won’t be supported.

Hi Vick,

I was wondering if there is a way to change the resolutions of them. Do you have some suggestion based on the input arguments?

Thank you.

Adding a camera mode for camera drivers isn’t supported for DRIVE OS SDK but for DRIVE OS PDK.
Forum support is targeting SDK developers now.
So I would suggest you contact the vendor (Entron) for it if this camera is in DRIVE Ecosystem - Hardware and Software | NVIDIA Developer. Thanks.

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