Fedora 5.7.8-200.fc32.x86_64 / Nvidia 450.57 / Unable to load nvidia-drm

According to a moderator’s note on June 30th, this was fixed in the beta, but I ran into “Unable to load the nvidia-drm kernel module” today while installing 450.57.

I’m running the latest kernel, 5.7.8-200.fc32.x86_64.

It installed without problems when I did not choose the dkms option.

Is this a known problem, or should I reinstall and save logging info?

It loads fine here

[leigh@leigh ~]$ uname -r
[leigh@leigh ~]$ lsmod |grep nvidia
nvidia_drm             57344  3
nvidia_modeset       1187840  5 nvidia_drm
nvidia_uvm           1130496  0
nvidia              19726336  193 nvidia_uvm,nvidia_modeset
drm_kms_helper        258048  1 nvidia_drm
drm                   622592  6 drm_kms_helper,nvidia_drm
[leigh@leigh ~]$

You may try downgrading dkms. Version 2.8.2, out recently, no longer builds or installs modules. See: Unable to dkms {build,install} with 2.8.2 #127. I was not able to use the installer properly until I did so.

Thanks for that. I’m not ready to move to an rc release, though.

Could you tell me what your dkms version number is?

Thanks again!

dkms --version shows “2.8” on my system; apparently, that’s incomplete.

$ sudo dnf list installed | grep dkms
dkms.noarch                                       2.8.2-1.fc32                           @updates

What version did you downgrade to?


I am also on Fedora 32 and just did:

dnf downgrade dkms (sudo, if needed)

which gave me:

Installed Packages
dkms.noarch                                                                                 2.8.1-4.20200214git5ca628c.fc32                                                                                 @fedora

Exactly the same problem here, but at least I know now that was to be expected, since I’m also on Fedora 32, same kernel, same dkms version.
Thank you for the post.

seeing this same problem on a number of OS/distros.

upgrades to

kernel* 5.7.9 ( not entirely sure this is/was necessary; i track kernel:stable, & picked up that update along the way)
dkms 2.8.3 (–> Release Build fixes · dell/dkms · GitHub)

cure the problem, here.