Is this board still able to boot up ? I mean regardless of the flash process.
No, i never saw nvidia logo.
How to full reset and reflash?
At least dump the log you saw. I mean even some partial log of boot up case is okay.
How to full reset and reflash?
That is what we are trying to resolve now… Generally sdkmanager shall able to flash it.
Are you sure sdkmanager also hit same issue? I mean so far the logs are all based on your manual flash, but not sdkm.
Is this NX devkit? or custom board?
Also, please try to flash with jp4.6.3/ rel-32.7.3 and share both logs again.
Hi, here is 4.6.3. Same error.
flash_4.6.3.txt (50.7 KB)
uart_4.6.3.txt (4.0 KB)
Have tried custom WeAct, A02 and last in use NX devkit 3509. No differs.
Here is 5.1.1. Same error.
flash_5.1.1.txt (42.3 KB)
uartflash_5.1.1.txt (3.5 KB)
Sdkmanager output and errors the same as console flash.
Are you sure the power adapter is running as the spec?
We had one AGX Xavier issue that is same as yours and it was adapter problem.
It looks ok.
You still didn’t provide me the uart log after you power on the board, could you share it too?
Here is power on log
power.txt (2.6 KB)
Looks like a hardware problem. Do you have other Xavier NX module/carrier board on your side to do cross check?
Yes, i flashed several new modules 8 and 16 ram few days ago.
please RMA the problematic module.
It is sad.
Thank you for help.
Thank you.
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