i have xavier nx devkit without microSD
i want to flash image to internal 16Gb emmc
i tried to do that with SDK manager, but it freeze in 45%
i tried to flash with flash.sh script:
~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.4_Linux_JETSON_XAVIER_NX/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1
but it also freeze (screenshot)
Are you using a VM? Or is your host a native Ubuntu 18.04? VMs often suffer from this since they do not handle USB correctly without manual intervention. If not a VM, then are you using the provided micro-B USB cable? Many charger cables have problems with data transfer.
I too see the message about “taking longer than expected”. My Ubuntu 18.04 happens to be a dual core Atom laptop with a 10" screen :P
However, if I keep saying that I want to continue (many times), then it eventually completes. My laptop has a slow regular hard drive and only a small amount of RAM, so this is actually expected. Building the image which becomes the rootfs partition is time consuming. Then copy of the many GB of content to the NX over USB would also involve “significant” time.
I suggest using 18.04, and just keep accepting to continue.
Well, that is definitely too long even for a slow computer. Is it possible to try with a different host PC? Is the USB cable the one supplied by NVIDIA? Very few third party micro-B USB cables have quality for long term data transfer (mostly they are sold cheaply as charger cables, and most of the time work ok for data only at either slow data rates or for short time periods before running into trouble).
I know this thread is old, however I have encountered a situation identical to that of @dinartal. I am using a newer version of Linux for Tegra (4.9.201-tegra), and have attempted to flash the Jetson Xavier NX onboard eMMC with a DevKit however it is freezing (taking forever – over 18 hours). I too am running:
However, I have tried multiple host computers (both modern and multi-core) running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on bare metal (non-VM) and have encountered it just freezing. I have also tried multiple microUSB cables, including ones of higher-quality.
Do you suspect it is the cable? If not, what do you think might be causing this?
Can you recommend a cable from Amazon to purchase? Our NX DevKit did not come with a microUSB cable.
You should probably start a new topic, but try this flash first (assuming this is an SD card dev kit): sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1
(note that I did not use “-emmc”)
Note: Dev kits should come with a micro-B USB cable. You can use a “charger”/“OTG” cable from a store, but you’d have to try it to see if it works or not. No way to predict if the quality is high enough, but probably 3 out of 4 “charger” cables have poor data quality.
Yes! That was exactly the issue, the NX module shipped with the DevKit did not contain an eMMC. We replaced it today with a module we purchased separately and it flashed like a charm!