Hello Everyone!
So I’ve been toying around with the UE4.16 FleX implementation and am in high hopes im going to achieve what I’m going for.
The underlying problem is that I need very exact collision detection and deformation on some features of the mesh, not so much on others - but would still like to benefit from the deformation FleX provides on those others.
Is it possible to attach FleX-Particles in Soft Bodies to each other?
Is it possible to implement some sort of vector field defining position of FleX Particles(and possibly some of their traits) instead of having FleX sample the volume/skin of the model? (Not asking for a ready made solution, just a general “yeah that should be possible” or “nah mate, dont even try”)
Been thinking of having several soft body meshes and attaching them by using “helper rigids” in between them but that feels… like I’m stacking blocks like a toddler. Not elegant. Also, ugly, if I don’t hide it in the game later.
Any ideas are appreciated.