Greetings, there are several issues associated with the Flex in Unreal Engine 4
1 - not found in the documentation, vertex color effect on particle simulation
The screenshot shows that only particles colored in white are participating in the simulation
vertex colored in black are fixed in the world
Question: Can I attach to moving a fixed vertex related subjects, if so, how?
but if the spawn is the same object that the vertex of color does not affect the simulation … a bug?
2 - Is it possible to create motion control for flex objects?
3 - have been realized in FlexDemo “shift + left mouse - Particle select and drag”
any way to repeat it in UE4?
4 - of the questions 1,2,3 - Flex object attached to a movable object including skeletal mesh
5 - particles fall through the collision in UE4
in FlexDemo particles under any circumstances I have not crossed collisions with other objects
is there any way to avoid it in UE4
6 - to activate or deactivate the simulation?
all the questions connected to the use of flex not as level decoration, but as a part of moving objects or characters.(Particularly softbody and cloth)
Thanks for any answers.
(Documentation - )
(google translate helped me translate this message)