Isaac Sim Version
Other (please specify):
Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Windows 11
Windows 10
Other (please specify):
GPU Information
- Model: Nvidia RTX 4060
- Driver Version: 550.54.14
Topic Description
Detailed Description
I am currently working on an autonomous navigation project using Isaac Sim, and I have encountered an issue with the robot’s localization within the environment. Despite running the navigation stack, the robot does not get localized properly to the map.
Upon investigation, I inspected the transformation between odom
and base_link
using the command:
ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo odom base_link
I observed that the transformation matrix data is static and does not update dynamically when the robot moves. This static transform prevents SLAM and navigation stacks from accurately estimating the robot’s pose.
Steps to Reproduce
How can I configure Isaac Sim’s ros2_publish_raw_transform_tree
node or OmniGraph settings to ensure that the odom -> base_link
transform is dynamic and updates with the robot’s motion?
- The
topic is being published in Isaac Sim, but it does not seem to influence theodom -> base_link
transform dynamically. - The
odom -> base_link
transform, as seen from the TF tree, remains static regardless of the robot’s motion in the simulation.
Screenshots or Videos
###What I’ve tried
I’ve checked the frame id on tf publisher and also on odom publisher in omnigraph but still the error is persisting.
Related Issues
Additional Context
The articulation root is here is been set to /World/turtlebot3_burger/base_link