currently I enabled " Rootfs Selection with Unified Bootloader and Rootfs A/B Enabled",
my device has encryption+A/B scheme enabled and running OK.
may I know when this mode, how do I have the full image OTA?
my understanding is the kernel/device tree now is in boot partition, if I replace the kernel and device tree in boot partition with the new rootfs, the full image OTA should work.
my lsblk looks like below:
output.txt (5.8 KB)
the nvme0n1p1 is the boot partition, and it has the kernel and device tree.
my plan to have image OTA from A to B is to
- program the new kernel and device tree to nvme0n1p2
- program the new rootfs to nvme0n1p4
- switch to B by “nvbootctrl set-active-boot-slot 1”
I am not quite sure is the bootloader device tree etc.
my boot up log is here
release.log (23.0 KB)
any advice is appreciated, thanks