Full image OTA when Rootfs Selection with Unified Bootloader and Rootfs A/B Enabled?

currently I enabled " Rootfs Selection with Unified Bootloader and Rootfs A/B Enabled",
my device has encryption+A/B scheme enabled and running OK.
may I know when this mode, how do I have the full image OTA?
my understanding is the kernel/device tree now is in boot partition, if I replace the kernel and device tree in boot partition with the new rootfs, the full image OTA should work.
my lsblk looks like below:
output.txt (5.8 KB)
the nvme0n1p1 is the boot partition, and it has the kernel and device tree.
my plan to have image OTA from A to B is to

  1. program the new kernel and device tree to nvme0n1p2
  2. program the new rootfs to nvme0n1p4
  3. switch to B by “nvbootctrl set-active-boot-slot 1”

I am not quite sure is the bootloader device tree etc.
my boot up log is here
release.log (23.0 KB)

any advice is appreciated, thanks

Hi jiangpen,

It seems you’ve configured the partition layout file correctly for you custom carrier board with TX2 so that you get the rootfs a/b + disk-encryption enabled on the board.

For the image-based OTA, please just also specify the ROOTFS_AB=1 and ROOTFS_ENC=1 in the command when you are generating OTA payload and confirm that you are using the same partition layout XML for your board.

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