G-Sync laptop monitor not working on linux

I recently changed over to Linux(Fedora 30, Classic Gnome) after having enough with windows on my ASUS ROG G752V(1070 and a 120hz AU Optronics G-SYNC panel).

On windows I had no issues getting G-SYNC to work but on Linux I cannot enable G-SYNC it shows as G-SYNC Mode Available: none and G-SYNC Mode Enabled: No

Anyone have any ideas how to get this working.
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (94.7 KB)

Please run nvidia-bug-report.sh as root and attach the resulting .gz file to your post. Hovering the mouse over an existing post of yours will reveal a paperclip icon.

Unfortunately, only some old xorg logs were included but in those there was also no sign that gsync was detected. Seems to be some driver bug. Please try with a v418 driver, possibly also with your xorg.conf removed, and attach the output file of
sudo journalctl -b0 --no-pager _COMM=gdm-x-session >journal.txt

Apologies for the delay just have not had a chance to do this sooner. Journal now attached on v418.74
journal.txt (117 KB)