G-Sync not configurable with compatible hardware

I’m running Artix with a pretty bare bones set up. I currently have only 1 display connected to a Titan RTX with 545.29.06 driver version. I’m using an Acer Z35 with displayport 1.4. I have the refresh rate indicator turned on so I can verify if gsync is actively working. There is no option under the advanced tab for me to enable G-Sync. My screen looks like the image in this link (minus the additional screen): Can not enable VRR / GSync (Windows 10/11 works but Linux not) - #7 by okan.celik. So as I understand it, the metamode that is supposed to allow gsync to be toggleable is not in my output at all.

Here is a pastebin with the output of “nvidia-settings --query all”: Attributes queryable via titan:0.0: Attribute 'OperatingSystem' (titan:0. - Pastebin.com

I have tested multiple games and gsync never takes effect. I run through steam using most up to date proton version.

Here is a pastebin of my xorg.conf (The line with “Allow Gsync” was missing a }, I have fixed this and there was no fix.)

nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (881.2 KB)

I guess you would have to exclude one gpu from Xorg to enable gsync