GT 1030 SS 2gb 64 bits 384 cuda drivers for linux Mint 18.3 kernel 4.10

Sorry, but I dont know how. Where i must put d3d9 shaders?

‘34052,’ is not a valid bug number nor an alias to a bug wine web reports

Only create that registry key. Everything else are just technical details of the bug.
Did you run wine regedit and took a look at the picture I attached?

yes now!! i haven seen it, and i found this visual manual. That also helps

I done but it doesn’t work. You mention something about update data base?

I done but it doesn’t work, same mesh of cars graphics. You mention something about update data base?

Check and post
wine --version


Should work then. Doublecheck that you have no typo in the registry key, post a screenshot.

Did you install the game using a WINEPREFIX? What’s the command to start the game?

already done. screenshoot is attached over 5 post before

hope so! With all these changes in think i did. There is any other possibility?

I give thanks for all effort that you do to solve this problem.

The command? an RRU.exe

Ok, that looks like the normal wineprefix but you could run
WINEPREFIX=“/home/user/.wine” wine regedit
and check if the registry key is still there. Otherwise, I’m out of ideas.

(Explanation: by setting a WINEPREFIX=~/somedirectory you can install any game into its own environment so can apply different tweaks without affecting other games/programs.)

Still there I probed to change to enabled to dissabled but it seems doing nothing. Also “enable”, but nothing.

I suppose that I must to wait for other kernel o new nvidia drivers. Now I can play if i put front view, without seeing the car.

Many thanks for all the responses, ideas and patience, I’m not a expert in programming but I love probe new ideas and doing this kind of things. With good explanations everybody can do it!!

You’re welcome. Wine is its own science, mixing windows registry and dlls with linux. Can drive people insane. Whenever you’re installing a new game using it, better search the web for it first to know if it’s working and what tweaks it needs.