Hardware: How to design a common DisplayPort DP solution for ORIN NX/nano and XAVIER NX?

DP design: how to design a common carrier board to be used for ORIN NX/nano and XAVIER NX for a target with 1 DisplayPort DP?

ORIN design guide and XLS pinmux config file:

recommend to use SOM pins 77 75 71 69 65 63 83 81 + 100 98 96 94
to address DP

However Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit Carrier Board SP-11324-001_v1.1 | May 2023

sustain a different information based on pin: 41 39 47 45 53 51 59 57 + 90 92 88

Can you confirm this last document is wrong and why?
Schematics of the carrier board looks good.

Orin can handle 1 display channel and Xavier 2. Can you confirm the right procedure to implement my goal for DP on a common carrier board AND how to define the pinmux & upper software layer to manage those pin set in DP (and not HDMI) on ORIN NX and XAVIER NX?

Thank you.

Hi, only DP1 port is available on both Orin NX/Nano and Xavier NX. Please refer to below doc in DLC and also the Design Guide of each module.
Jetson Orin Nano Series, Jetson Orin NX Series, and Jetson Xavier NX Series Interface Comparison & Migration Application Note

Hi, thanks a lot for your prompt reply.

DP1, the one and only, will be used to have a common DisplayPort design for Xavier and Orin SOM, clear.

Can you now confirm, clarify my next understanding:
From the SDK manager Orin SOM would be natively programmed with DP1 configured in DisplayPort and Xavier SOM DP1 would be in HDMI (DP0 being in DP), right?
To change DP1 from HDMI to DP on a Xavier would require to change the pinmux and adapt the kernel, there is no trick to easy change this setting, right? can you confirm me this procedure to change HDMI to DP?

Thank you.

Xavier NX data sheet (below) states quite clearly that DP1 is supporting both DP and HDMI.
TRM for Xavier NX give no much more info about it.
Pinmux doesn’t need to be adapted for configuring DP on DP1 (DP1 which is nativeley used for HDMI on NVIDIA XAVIER NX starter kit).

Could somebody confirm this practically? How does it work from a driver point of view? How does the driver behind DP1 autosense and autoadapt depending the type of hardware interface connected (DP or HDMI)? How does it works?

Thank you.

You need to find someone on your side who is familiar with device tree first.

NV already provided an example on our devkit device tree.

DP1 → HDMI configuration.
DP0 → DP configuration.

If you want to change DP0 device tree to HDMI, then read the device tree example from DP1 and do the modification.

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