Headless gstreamer


I am having trouble running my Jetson Orin Nano Devkit in headless mode without an atached screen. I tried it on JetPack 6.2 and Jetpack 5.1.4. My code is pretty simple but utilizes gstreamer and (lib)argus to get the image of a CSI camera. When a screen is mounted via Displayport, everything runs smoothly, but when I try to run it via ssh and X-forwarding or via vnc (when the screen hadn’t been connected before and the programm not running) it will not start a stream nor the programm without the gui (I also have a seperate version for that).
I already tried out everything that was recomended on this forum before in threads like this one with dummy screens and changing the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

But I didn’t get it to work. Could someone please give me advice and or other methods on how to get it running?
I really need to use my Jetson headless because I cannot use a screen on every startup.
And I know that the same programm has worked on my Jetson Nano Devkit via ssh so I am confused why it doesn’t do its job on the Orin.

So what is the best way to access the jetson Orin GUI (especially gstreamer/argus) remotely?
Thank you in advance!

Hi markkrause,

Have you referred to each steps in that thread?
If so, what’s the result after you’ve applied them?
Many users and we have verified it working on the devkit to get GUI in headless mode.

There’s no GUI if you use ssh to access the devkit so that they are different functions.
Do you need the GUI in your use case?