How do I specify the compiler_path of nvcc

I use vs-code with “Nsight Visual Studio Code Edition” in windows to remote codes in centos. The version of cuda-toolkit is 11.0 previously and some new functions introduced in the updated cuSPARSE version in 11.5.
What I want to do is to change the compiler path in vscode to get the latest intelliSense. Regarding to C/C++ it is easy to do that since we could edit “C/C++:edit configurations”. But I can’t find the right way to change the current compiler(cuda 11.0) to the latest one(cuda 11.5). Could anybody has some ideas? THANKS!!!

You can use cmake to configure compiler path, just add:
set(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER "<compiler path>")
For example:
set(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER "/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc"

Another option is to set compilerPath in c_cpp_properties.json.