These are the various image dimensions I can obtain from the Intel RealSense camera, each corresponding to a different frame rate. I want to adjust the input data frequency accordingly. Could you either suggest a method to modify the input frequency or recommend which image dimensions I should use from the camera to achieve the desired frequency?
These are the topics list I’m receiving related to camera inputs
To change the camera sensor, you need to modify the specific file for the desired demo.
For example, if you are working with Isaac ROS vslam, the file: there is an option to change the camera setup
If you are working with Isaac ROS pose estimation the camera resolution is set to these lines:
But remember that the pose estimation demo is trained at 640x480. If you want to work at other resolutions, you need to update also the model.
Thank you @Raffaello , I’m working with foundationpose pose estimation using Isaac ROS, I changed the yaml file to get the desired inputs from realsense camera. The depth and camera_info are obtained at 60hz but still the rgb inputs are not produced at 60 hz as explicitly mentioned, they are obtained at somewhere around 40hz.
And when I run this command to get the inputs from camera, I’m getting all the three inputs of depth, rgb, camera info all at 60 hz.