How to download Jetpack4.4.1 (jetson nano v32.4.4) kernel flash/construction tools for the SDKmanager


I would like to download the directory called JetPack_4.4.1_Linux_JETSON_NANO_DEVKIT or something like that. I’m sure that i was able to download this directory (placed automatically at ~/nvision/nvidia_sdk/.) with a previous versions of the sdk but it’s not available anymore, the latest is 4.5.
Can’t find it on the download center nether.
Please, do you have a link or a repo to download it?

I need this version as my kernel/device tree customizations have been done on it and it won’t be easy to upgrade them.

Thank you


Run sdkmanager --archivedversion

If I just run sdkmanager --archivedversion it returns

Error: unknown argument '--archivedversion'

If I try
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4.1 --targetos Linux --host --target JETSON_NANO_DEVKIT
It returns :

Jetson version 4.4.1 does not support Linux target OS on JETSON_NANO_DEVKIT

Sorry that missing a “s” here.

sdkmanager --archivedversions

That’s it thank you

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