How to flash Jetson 36.2.0 for endpoint mode agx orin

I want to flashing PCIe as Endpoint on a Jetson AGX Orin Series System. I follow the PCIe Endpoint Mode — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation:
1.Add ODMDATA=“gbe-uphy-config-22,nvhs-uphy-config-1,hsio-uphy-config-0,gbe0-enable-10g,hsstp-lane-map-3”; in jetson-agx-orin-devkit.conf.
2.sudo ./ jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1
Wait about 30min, the flash message is:[ 686.1191 ] Flashing completed

[ 686.1192 ] Coldbooting the device
[ 686.1202 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --ismb2
[ 686.1208 ] MB2 version 01.00.0000
[ 686.1491 ] Coldbooting the device
[ 686.1498 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --reboot coldboot
[ 686.1504 ] MB2 version 01.00.0000
*** The target generic has been flashed successfully. ***
Reset the board to boot from internal eMMC.
But the orin can not boot, the serial is not work and no display. I reboot the orin, but not work. Could anybody help me?

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Please do not use mmcblk0p1 anymore. This is deprecated on rel-36.

Use “internal” instead.

sudo ./ jetson-agx-orin-devkit internal

Thanks. I’ll give it a try:)

Still not work. Have you ever succeeded?

Are you talking about cannot boot or PCIe endpoint cannot work?

This is just developer preview version, we don’t guarantee PCIe EP mode is already supported.

Orin cannot boot after flashing the endpoint mode,but it can boot after flashing the root port mode.

What is the uart log when boot error happened?

After the machine starts, the fan operates normally, and the indicator light is on. I use a serial cable to connect to Orin, but Mobaxterm does not recognize the serial port. At the same time, I use a DP cable to connect to the monitor, but the screen remains black. However, when I switch to root mode, everything works fine.


Just another question, are you able to see any log from serial console when you flashed the board with ODMDATA enabled?

I mean during the flash. Not boot.


  1. Are you sure you know the meaning of “serial console”? What you posted is host side log which I totally don’t care…

  2. Please do not just copy and paste any boot log or flash log directly unless you want others to spend most of time scrolling their mouse… attach a log a text file …

Sorry,I have delete it. Do you mean that I should use two serial cable, one is used to flash, another is used to log?

I want to know if you have flashed Orin into endpoint mode and successfully booted it. If so, how did you do it?

Please follow this page to dump log.

Also, is this your first time running a PCIe endpoint thing or you have tried that on jetpack5 before?

Yes, we have been tested that before. But I think your problem is not on this part.

Better replying my previous question and learn how to dump log first.

I have worked on Jetson_Linux_R35.3.1 for orin endpoint mode. Thanks a lot. I’ll follow the page you give.

minicom.txt (53.7 KB)

Looks like a rel-36 specific issue. We will take a look.

Fine. Thank you very much.

Sorry, have you identified the kernel of the problem?

Wre’re fixing this issue, please wait for our update. Thanks