Hello. I have Ubuntu 24.04 on my PC and my graphic card is GeForce GTX 780ti. The latest version of Nvidia driver for this card is 470.239 and as it is mentioned in installation guide, Cuda 12.x is compatible with drivers >=525.60.13. So I have only one choice and it is install Cuda 11.x. But there is not any Cuda 11.08 deb(local) file for ubuntu 24.04. Can I use files related to ubuntu 22.04 instead of it? In other word, I download deb(local) file for ubuntu 22 and use it on ubuntu 24? Is it possible? How?
I appreciate if anyone guide and help me
You have a Kepler based gpu so the maximum cuda version you can use is 11.4. Since it’s rather old and shouldn’t be updated, rather use the runfile installer and skip driver install when asked. Don’t downgrade OS for it.
Forgot: when using the runfile installer, you’ll have to follow the docs to set the proper PATH variable manually.
Thank you for your help and guide
I have some questions. You mentioned that I should skip driver install when asked. Could you please guide me how I should install Nvidia driver separately and set the proper PATH variable?
There are different versions of cuda 11.4 (from 11.4.0 to 11.4.4) Is cuda 11.4.4 suitable for me?
Just use Ubuntu’s Software&Updates application to install driver 470.
Hello again. I downloaded Cuda 11.4.4 and tried to install it on Ubuntu 24.04 but unfortunately I got an error about incompatibility of gcc version ( I had installed build-essential and gcc). I think I should have an older version of gcc!
Do you have any suggestion? Is there any way that I can install older versions of gcc (also their dependencies) on ubuntu and have multi versions of gcc? how can I allocate a specific version of gcc in installation process?
Sorry, I forgot about the gc requirement. Cuda 11.4.4 only supports gcc 11 maximum. You should be able to install it, sudo apt install gcc-11
If you have the dkms flavor of the nvidia driver installed, you’ll need to switch back to the standard system gcc prior to updating the driver. Please check update-alternatives on how to do that.