How to parse the recording lidar data .pcap file to .bin file?

I’m trying to use sample_lidar_replay to load my recording lidar data.
Can the sample load the .pcap file for replay?
Or is there any tool to parse the .pcap file to .bin file for the sample.

Thank you very much!

Hello @leepeter909,
DriveWorks delivers Recording Tools as part of the Drive Software package - in section “tools” of the documentation you would be able to see it.
The sample_lidar_replay expects the specific format that the Recording Tools use.
we do deliver some post-recording tools for editing the recorded data, but unfortunately, converting a wireshark recording file to DriveWorks recording file is not currently delivered.

Alternatively, I’d suggest you use that recorded file to replay it using wirehsark towards the AGX Drive you have and records the data using one of the “Recording Tools” delivered.

Hi @shayNV,
Thank you very much!
I will try to use the “Recording Tools”.
But can the “Recording Tools” record the sensor that DriveWorks don’t support originally?
How can I record the data for the unsupported sensors for testing the replay with sensor plugin?

Hi @leepeter909,
Please refer to our webinar training: " Integrating Custom Sensors Using NVIDIA DriveWorks "
Notice that on this webinar a general approach is explained but the sensor sample being demonstrated is LiDAR.

Hi, @shayNV,
Thank you for your help!
But I think the webinar did not deliver how she record the custom lidar data.
With the done lidar plugin that I have not yet finished? Or we can record with just ip ,port, and scan-frequency without sensor plugin, the so file.
Did I miss something?

Thank you very much!

Hi @leepeter909

Once you create your custom LiDAR plugin (.so) file, you will need to supply it to the recorder via the rig configuration file.
when using the recording tool, you must give it a rig configuration file.
the rig file format is documented in DriveWorks Documentation ->Tutorials->Basic Tutorials->Accessing Rig Configurations->Rig File Format
the sensor enumeration sample can be displayed using the sample sample_sensors_info, there you can see what parameters you need to set in the rig file (output is also visible in the sample documentation).

Hi @shayNV
Ok, I got it.
I want the recorded data for testing my custom sensor plugin can work correctly or not.
But it can’t be recorded before I finished the custom sensor plugin.
That’s funny.
The question turns out to be that I could only test custom sensor plugin on the real device?
Or there is another way for me to test the sensor plugin like simulation?

Thanks for your help!

Hi @leepeter909,
testing your plugin is over a real data or over simulated data by an external tool as the DW tools support DW recording format.
I’d try replaying the data .pcap file that you have recorded using external tools the same as you used to record the .pcap file.

good luck

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