I would like to restart / reset the jetson nano. I found how to do that here :
Where you can read :
[Option 2: Use the 12-pin header]
for J50 Carrier Board Rev B01 only: 12-pin button header;
bring out system power, reset, UART console, and force
recovery related signals.
So,If I have understood well,I should cover the jumpers 11 and 12 (in my board it is called GND / PWR BTN) ; jumper 7 and 8 (it is called GND / SYS RST) ; jumper 3 and 4 ? (UART RXD and UART TXD) ;
You seem to have forgotten an intermediate point (5.1 on your list),where I should connect the mini usb cable from the board to the PC. Anyway I repeated another time all the steps. The board is not detected by ubuntu 18.04. On the terminal window where I ran : “dmesg --follow” nothing happens and the output of the command “lsusb | grep -i nvidia” is empty. The last chance I think is to try to reset the settings to the factory default,if It can be done. Is the method explained by me the correct one ? thanks.
The method you’re looking for is putting Jetson into Recovery mode.
As you seem not considering my advice, I will humbly shut up and let anyone else better help.
Why I seem to don’t consider your advice ? I have repeated again the steps that you have suggested. What do you mean ? Shouldn’t I connect the usb cable ? Try to reload the page,maybe you have read my old message. I have modified it.
I didn’t connect the USB cable. The developer kit didn’t enter in Force Recovery Mode. The instructions on the nvidia website are wrong. If I don’t connect the USB cable,how can the board be detected by the SDK manager ? And how the data can be transferred from the nvidia repos to the board ?
Well, A02 does not seem to do anything, with the FC 3-4 pins jumpered. otherwise my jetson nano devkit does not start, 32gb of latest jetpack does not boot.
edit: seems there are two FRC pins on the board, other does not have a hat pin, its only a hole.
Just to be sure, are you using pin header J40 as shown here ? (note that this article doesn’t emulate force recovery button, but you would do the same for shortening pins 3 and 4 from that J40 header).
Place a short with a jumper or with wires, then power on, and unshort after a few seconds, then from host connected by a USB cable to A02 microusb port, you should see the jetson in recovery mode as a USB device (NVIDIA Corp.) with command lsusb.