how to update cuda on xavier

I am trying to use onnx-trt but that requires TENSORRT_LIBRARY_MYELIN.
TENSORRT_LIBRARY_MYELIN requires trt 7. trt 7 requires cuda 10.2. cuda 10.2 can only be updated through the jetpack sdk manager. But I only see cuda 10.0 on there. How do I update to cuda 10.2?


CUDA can be updated via SDK manager. Latest Jetpack release 4.3 support CUDA 10.0.326.
Please refer below link for more details:

Moving this to the Xavier forum so the Jetson team can take a look.


According to this website, one needs cuda 10.2 to install trt7 on the xavier:

Are you saying Tensor RT 7 is not compatible with Nvidia’s Xavier AGX?

The release is mainly for desktop GPUs. For running Jetson platforms, we would suggest install through SDK manager to have better stability. SDK manager is developed for version control of all packages.