I tried using following code to load the default Glass_Clear material. It fails as the material I applied to a object does not have glass effect and also the material dose not have correct properties when I inspect the Material and Shader property in isaac sim GUI.
path_mat_glass_clear = assets_root_path + "/NVIDIA/Materials/vMaterials_2/Glass/Glass_Clear.mdl"
success, result = omni.kit.commands.execute('CreateMdlMaterialPrimCommand',
mtl_url=path_mat_glass_clear, # This can be path to local or remote MDL
mtl_name='Glass_Clear', # sourceAsset:subIdentifier (i.e. the name of the material within the MDL)
mtl_path="/World/Looks/glass_clear" # Prim path for the Material to create.
mat = UsdShade.Material(stage.GetPrimAtPath("/World/Looks/glass_clear"))