How to watch the memory on an ARM development board with a jetson TX2 GPU

How to watch the memory on an ARM development board with a jetson TX2 GPU
when it an a personal computer we use the command nvidia-smi,so what command we can use in an ARM board?

Im not sure what you are exactly trying to do. But have you tried using the command “tegrastats”? It is a binary file provided with every version of L4T from Nvidia. This file will be present in the home directory of the Jetson rootfs. You can invoke the command as follows.

nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~$ sudo /home/nvidia/tegrastats

This command will give you the RAM usage, bandwidth usage, CPU cores & GPU usage on the Jetson TX2 board.


nvidia-smi doesn’t support Jetson platform.

For check GPU memory, you can use cudaMemGetInfo() directly:
