I noticed that the nvegltransform plugin is no longer available in deepstream 6.2?

    I noticed that the nvegltransform plugin is no longer available in deepstream 6.2? In deesptream-test3, I can see that the nvegltransform plugin is used in ds6.1, but I don’t see it used in ds6.2.
    Is nvegltransform an unnecessary plugin in pipeline?

It works with nveglglessink plugin on jetson platform before. Since 6.2, we have replaced the new display plugin to nv3dsink.

So the case code from ds6.2 is not going to work in ds6.1, right?
Will ds6.1’s work on ds6.2?

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

It’s still available. But on Jetson, use Gst-nvdrmvideosink instead of Gst-nv3dsink as nv3dsink requires GPU utilization.

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