Hi all,
I setup my nano (B01) using a screen and keyboard and added a WiFi USB device, everything worked. Able to ssh over local network from my primary device. Also set my router to reserve an IP for the correct MAC address.
On starting the nano headless (only wifi/barrel power connected) it never appears on the network in a usable state.
I can see that I probably want to do a full headless setup but shouldn’t this still work?
What is your method to put Nano into headless case? Is the wireless interface (wlan0?) also gone when you set to headless mode?
Thanks for getting back to me.
My dedicated power supply arrived so I reflashed and did the setup completely via the USB/serial method. It now works over wifi on boot.
I plan to remove the graphical elements via this tutorial I found:
This method looks good and should be no harm. If you still hit wireless problem after doing these steps, please come back and report to us.
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