Installation of software components on TX-2 fails

I’m running unbuntu 18.04 in a Parallels virtual machine. I have to use the command line version of SDK Manager as the GUI version creates an orphan launch window and never shows in the dock as a running application. Clicking on the invisible ‘x’ in the upper left hand corner of the ghost window will close it and other invisible controls are also active.
I have configured the VM so that it has ample disk space (128GB) and the Nvidia APX USB device is configured to always connect to the Linux VM. I’ve never been prompted to put the TX-2 into “force recovery mode” but when in that mode, the APX device shows up in the lsusb output.
The TX-2 has a DHCP assigned address of and I am able to putty into it without any problem. As you can see by inspecting the attached logs, I am attempting to install Jetpack 4.5 on the target. Host installation completed without errors. (490.0 KB)
It also appears that the target OS and file ssytem updates are not uploaded (the TX-2 doesn’t reboot) although SDK indicates that they are “ready”.
Thanks in advance for your assistance,