Nivida sdk manager ınstallation failed (1.5 KB)

Are you using VM or host PC?
Device is Nvidia TX2 devkit?
Any screenshot as reference?

Can you elaborate your issue more?
What’s the error message shown, and the version of L4T and JetPack you are using?
You use a Jetson TX2 board?

I’did the flashing process with a virtual machine
device tx2 jetpack 4.6.3 (L4T 32.1 ı guess)

I’m new to this job I’m sorry I’m tiring

Can you try install L4T alone without other JetPack components and see if it works?
Maybe our repo has some problem, and we’ll have to look into it.
Also, please avoid burning Jetson devices with virtual machines, get a real Ubuntu PC instead.

Other features are working normally I was going to double boot, but when I heard that it was installed without problems in the article I was reading, I didn’t want to bother

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The failure may be due to virtual machine. We would suggest use host PC in Ubuntu 18.04.

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