Installing only Cuda and OpenCV from Jetpack 5 Using SDK Manager

I would like to be able to install only Cuda 11 and Open CV on a Jetson Xavier NX.

If I hunt around, I can find lots of different options for doing this. The Jetpack SDK manager provides the facility to install the jetpack package quite quickly - much faster than the time taken to build open cv - but does not provide the option to only install cuda and open cv. However, it does allow the individual components (deb packages etc) to be downloaded to the local PC, and so it makes sense to be able to select these components, copy onto the jetson and manually install the latest Jetpack 5 compatible Cuda and Open CV components.

Are there available instructions on how to do this? I think this would be a good idea, considering that the Jetson Xavier NX has only 16GB local storage.

We produce lots of embedded systems with Jetsons (currently TX2), and so it is important for our production process to have a cloned images for building on and also deployment, and in each case it is important to keep the clone sizes as small as possible.

Given that the Jetpack SDK Manager provides a really good and reliable procedure for installing on Jetson’s it would be great to use this but only install the required components.


If you only want the CUDA package, please install it via apt after reflashing with JetPack.
For example, after flash

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install cuda 

Then you can build an OpenCV with CUDA support with the below script:


Thanks very much for your reply. Yes, agreed, I install cuda using the instructions detailed in

And use the script you mentioned, for opencv, however this takes a few hours and sometimes has complications.

As mentioned in my post I was looking for a way to use the components downloaded using the Jetpack SDK Manager. In future this would save me lots of time, especially when there are updates to be made. I know there is a log generated, from the Jetpack SDK Manager, but this is very detailed, therefore it would be good if someone could advice a simple procedure, if it exists, to copy the relevant components across to the Jetson and execute a quick installation in the same way as the Jetson SDK Manager does.

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