When I’m using Isaac Sim to model a gripper closing around an object (I used a cylinder shape with “Rigid Body with Colliders Preset”), the gripper seems to close around the object, but then glitches a bit, and then goes through the object. I imported the gripper with the URDF Importer tool, and checked that the gripper has a collider mesh around it.
What can I do to make the gripper able to pick up the object?
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I have also the same issue
- tried reducing the force of the gripper fingers [ using robotiq 3f ] → result : give some stability but still the issue arises when I move the robot
- adding friction to gripper and finger → Still the issue arises,
- kuka robot - kr10 - urdf
- robotiq 3f gripper - urdf
controlling via ROS joint states
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@pencilstubs - we have two approaches to simulate cylinders in IsaacSim, either as custom geometry (which is CPU-based) or as a convex hull. For grasping, a convex hull will work better. If you just visualize the colliders it should be obvious, or you can check the stage setting here: Where is Custom Geometry flag in Collider - #3 by AlesBorovicka
I can double-check your setup if you share a PVD capture: OmniPVD - PhysX Visual Debugger — Omniverse Extensions latest documentation