Robotiq gripper grasping problem

Isaac Sim Version

[✓] 2023.1.1
Other (please specify):

Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04
[✓] Ubuntu 20.04
Windows 11
Windows 10
Other (please specify):

I am currently using the Robotiq 2F-140 gripper and the CR5 robot in Isaac Sim to pick up objects such as books, cups, and mouse imported from this site:

However, I am encountering grasping issues. When I try to grasp objects, the gripper either penetrates or slips off them. For simple objects like cubes, I can sometimes grasp them if the friction settings are appropriate, but this is not always consistent. For more complex objects from the website or even simpler shapes like cylinders, I am unable to grasp them properly.

I also tried using a fixed joint to connect the gripper to the objects. This method worked for cubes but not for cylinders. Additionally, I attempted to remove all collisions from a cup model and create a cube with a rigid body and collision to substitute for the cup. I then tried using the cup’s appearance and the cube’s collision properties. However, when combining the two objects, the group lacked a rigid body and collision properties, so I couldn’t grasp it.

These are the approaches I have tried so far. I have read several forum posts related to this issue, but I still can’t resolve it.

I believe this is a fairly common problem, but I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions to fix it.