Challenges with Robotiq 3F Gripper in Isaac Sim: Object Slippage and Clipping

Trying to grab and object from x and place it at x1 position using ROS + moveit.
GRIPPER - Robotiq 3f Gripper Github

  1. Import mode - URDF IMPORT
  2. Patch - robot was not stable thus added inertia in the robots link + corrected some inertia value of grippers also.
  3. Added Material with friction to gripper + object in the video bellow

Gripper - dynamic friction 1.0 and static friction 1.0
pick place Object - dynamic friction 0.5 and static friction 0.5 + added mass of 300 gm to 1 kg

  1. changed force value of grippers joint
  • Froce : 100 - 600 [ tried values ]
  • damping : 40 - 100 [tried value range ]
  • stifness : 800 - 100 [tried value range ]


  1. Object clipping when moving the robot
  2. Gripper is not stable when grasping any object.

Surface grippper can resolve this issue, but it will be visualization only,

It helps if you use SDF meshes on all of your colliders in a situation like this. It looks like you’re mixing convex hull meshes with a USD cube rather than a USD cube mesh

how to check what type of mesh I am using ?

  • URDF’s mesh is taken from the file location in link
  • for that red cube its create > mesh > add rigid body and collision

If you select a mesh with a collider you can change the collider’s Approximation property to a few different options, including SDF meshes.

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