Issue with libjetsonpower - No power information in Jetson Power GUI


We have developed a custom carrier for the Jetson Orin Nano 8GB (p3767-0005) previously.

Recently we wished to evaluate a Jetson Orin NX 8GB (p3767-0001) and so I have been making the necessary changes to JP6.0 (the version we have been using for the Orin Nano).

The changes were made successfully, and the module and board (with SSD) flashed seemingly successfully.

However, I noticed that with the Jetson Power GUI we are not getting power readings in the “Power Monitor” section in the Main tab. Nor are we getting readings in the “Power Monitor” section of the “Thermal/Power Monitor” tab.

I checked on our Orin Nano 8GB boards too and discovered the same! I just had not realised before.

I am trying to trace the mistake I have made, possibly in modifying the DTBs for our custom carrier boards.

I imagine the Jetson Power GUI is looking at a configuration file and maybe the “compatible” field is not correct?

Launching the Jetson Power GUI from a terminal shows me the errors :

NVPOWER INFO (find_knobs:967): Cannot find all of power monitor knobs during initialization
NVPOWER INFO (init_libjetsonpower:636): Cannot find some knobs successfully, the corresponding APIs may not work as expected!
NVPOWER INFO (init_libjetsonpower:644): Cannot initialize average power successfully, the corresponding APIs may not work as expected!

Tracing it through the python wrapper of libjetsonpower the issue occurs when pylibjetsonpower attempts to initialise the c library:

__init_status = __c_power_lib.init_libjetsonpower()

Unfortunately that is were I am stopped as I cannot find the code for the c library.

Any tips of where I have made a mistake would be gratefully received.

Many thanks,


Hi ben.ning,

Would you hit the issue before you port for Orin NX(p3767-0001)?
(i.e. is it working with Orin Nano 8GB(p3767-0005)?)

What do you modify?
Please share full dmesg and device tree for further check.

Thanks for your reply.

We are also having this issue with Orin Nano 8GB(p3767-0005) on our custom board on JP 6.0, I did not notice however, till I saw the issue on the NX. The issue however is not present with the p3767-0005 on JP5.1.1 so I don’t believe it’s a hardware issue. I have not been able to confirm with the NX on JP5.1.1 on our carrier board as yet.

The changes we made in the DTBs was simply to change over to HDMI and remove the references to the USB hub which we do not have on our custom carrier.

I have attached the dmesg and device tree for the NX module (dmesg_60_nx_custom and device_tree_60_nx_custom.dts).

device_tree_60_nx_custom.txt (324.0 KB)
dmesg_60_nx_custom.txt (62.4 KB)

I will also attached the dmesg and device trees for a SDK Manager JP6.0 flashed p3767-0005 on a Orin Nano development kit carrier board (p3768) and a p3767-0005 flashed with JP6.0 for our carrier board. The dev kit unit with the p3767-0005 shows Power Monitor details just fine, but our carrier board does not. This may allow a more direct comparison?

device_tree_60_nano-dev.txt (324.6 KB)
dmesg_60_nano_dev.txt (64.6 KB)
device_tree_60_nano_custom.txt (324.2 KB)
dmesg_60_nano_custom.txt (59.5 KB)

Many thanks,


Do you mean the issue is specific to your custom carrier board?

Please share the screenshot when you don’t see the info in Jetson Power GUI.

And, have you also tried running sudo tegrastats at this moment?

I can’t find the error in the dmesg you shared.

Could you also share the /var/log/syslog for further check?

It is specific to our custom carrier board only on JP6.0. On JP5.1.1 it works fine. So it is a software/configuration issue?

Here are the screenshots from the GUI:

Tegrastats shows :

01-01-1970 01:18:55 RAM 1232/7621MB (lfb 3x4MB) SWAP 0/3810MB (cached 0MB) CPU [5%@729,3%@729,0%@729,4%@729,4%@729,9%@729] EMC_FREQ 1%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 0%@[305] NVENC off NVDEC off NVJPG off NVJPG1 off VIC off OFA off NVDLA0 off PVA0_FREQ off APE 174 cv0@43C cpu@45.5C soc2@44.656C soc0@44.437C cv1@43.718C gpu@43.937C tj@46.687C soc1@46.687C cv2@44.031C

The error msg is shown when I run Jetson Power GUI from with terminal using this command:

pkexec /usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/jetsonpowergui

The Power GUI runs as normal but with these errors in the terminal:

They appear in the syslog when the GUI is run from the Nvidia icon:

syslog.txt (81.2 KB)

Any pointers would be gratefully received, such as the location of libjetsonpower C source?
