Jetpack version not recognized

Hi, I’ve managed to flash and install the main libraries on a Jetson Xavier NX using SDK Manager with Jetpack 4.5.1 from a host PC with Ubuntu 18.04.
The installation was successful and I’ve downloaded this GitHub repository to check the libraries versions.
Even though I’ve done the “Flash” step on the SDK Manager, now the Jetpack is not recognized.
I’ve tried using this other GitHub repository but the result is the same.
Anyone knows what might be the cause of it?
The installation didn’t show any errors, so I don’t know what to look for.

Edit: I forgot to add the screenshot.

Maybe you can check the issues on that github. This tool is not the official tool we provide.

I believe the only thing that has problem is this “jetson_release” tool not able to recognize what jetpack is in use.

The jetpack itself has no error.

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