Jetson AGX Orin Fails to Boot After Jetpack Update

I’ve encountered an issue with my Jetson AGX Orin after a failed Jetpack update. I’ve tried multiple times to enter forced recovery mode, but now, whenever I boot the device, it prompts me to go to the boot menu and then becomes unresponsive. Additionally, the system starts to overheat as it fails to activate the fan.

What options do I have to resolve this issue? Is it possible to replace the bricked unit?

Jetson System Firmware Version: 36.2.0-gcid-34956989

Are you using SDK maanger to flash your device via JetPack from Ubuntu host PC?
Any log can be provided?

Hi gtracy92,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Orin?

It seems you are using JP6.0DP(R36.2.0), which is Developer Preview version.
Please get a x86 Ubuntu host PC and use SDK Manager to flash it to JP6.0GA (R36.3.0).

This happened back around April, and the host machine has since been wiped. So no logs are available unfortunately. I haven’t had time to debug this since then. Today, whenever I interact with the Jetson directly or through the host, it overheats and stalls. The only thing I can get out of it is this startup screen. It’s unresponsive to any keyboard commands, so I can’t get past this stage. Is there anything else I can do to get information out?

@KevinFFF and @kayccc, does Nvidia offer a program where I can send in my machine for diagnosis and repair? This is blocking me from making progress on my project.

Please trye to do the RMA:
See Jetson FAQ | NVIDIA Developer

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